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ProjectsATLAS - 1994 until presentCollaboration and development for ATLAS Distributed Computing
Main Tasks:
The ATLAS experiment is a fundamental physiscs project involving about 3000 physicists at over 200 institutes all over the world, studying the proton-proton interactions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland. In 2012, we discovered the Higgs Boson, together with our colleagues from the CMS experiment, which led to the Nobel Price in 2013 to François Englert and Peter Higgs who had predicted the existense of this particle almost 50 years before. MARTA - 2013 until present- "Muon Auger RPC for the Tank Array" - a project for the installation of RPCs in the Auger surface detector
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a worldwide collaboration of 17 countries which studies the cosmic rays of extreme energy and seeks to answer some of the most fascinating questions of today's science. The Observatory, the world's largest cosmic ray detector, covering an area of 3000 km2 in Malargue, province of Medonza, Argentina is in operation since 2003. HERA-B - 1997 until 2004Development of the HERA-B experiment database
The HERA-B experiment was a fundamental physiscs project involving about 200 physicists at 34 institutes all over the world, studying CP violation in the B system at the HERA accelerator at the DESY National Laboratory in Hamburg, Germany. NACRE - 1993-2000:
European Collaboration on the Compilation of Nuclear reaction rates of charged-particle reactions for Astrophysics Compilation of nuclear reaction rates from literature of a well-defined list of charged-particle reactions that are of special interest in nuclear astrophysics. Standardization of the data for a reference publication and creation of a data base with Web-Interface (http://pntpm.ulb.ac.be/Nacre). Of special interest for the Portuguese group was the importance of many of these reactions for materials science analysis. RBS - 1991-1994CFNUL, INETI Sacavém, ETSI Madrid and others Application of Nuclear Physics Methods to Materials Science Various works on Materials Science, using RBS and PIXE as analysis techniques, and Ion implantation and Thermal Annealing for sample modification, e.g. ``Iridium Silicide Formation by Rapid Thermal Annealing''. NUCI - 1989-1993Development of a nuclear level scheme data base NBI Copenhagen, University of Cologne, Lund Institute of Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratories Development and programming of a database system to store nuclear structure data, with special emphasis on easy updating through email messages to the server. OSIRIS/EUROBALL: 1984-1993European collaboration on high resolution gamma ray spectroscopy for nuclear structure analysis University of Cologne, HMI Berlin, KFA Jülich, University of Bonn, NBI Copenhagen, Daresbury Labs
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